We set up a Double Good popcorn virtual fundraiser! It’s 100% contactless, we keep 50% of the profit and the product ships directly to your supporters. Each player needs to create a Pop-Up Store and sell Double Good ultra-premium popcorn! Prices for Signature Bags (5 cups each) start at $11, and Curated Collections at $31. The popcorn is delicious and award-winning! (while this may seem expensive, remind them it is for a good cause and will help our young men with the upcoming season!)
Coach Heiderscheit is communicating this event with the players but we need all of you parents to push them to participate! It is less than one week long and takes very little effort, other than sharing with friends and family! Our fundraiser begins on Friday, November 29 and only goes until Tuesday, December 03 (ONLY FOUR DAYS LONG)
The players can have some fun with it and compete against each other to see who can sell the most! There is a real time leaderboard to keep the competition alive!
Before the fundraiser begins: 1. Download the Double Good app 2. Enter our Event Code MDNJWB in the app
3. Create your Pop-Up Store The Double Good app is available for free on iOS and Android.
For more general information on this, you can click here:
If there are questions, please reach out!
We are sincerely asking for everyone to get their players to participate and get the 2025 season started!